I've been posting on a website, The Chronicles Network, for about six or seven years now. I promised the readers in the G.R.R. Martin forum that I'd show them pix of my ASOIAF minis. Well here are the first views.
The first two pix are Wildlings Mammoth Hunters and Wildling Warriors (Demonworld).
Here are (left to right): A Dornish Captain, Mace Tyrell, a knight, Eddard Stark, and Ser Parmen Crane. (Mace is AD&D Battlesystem and the rest are Demonworld.)
The Kingslayer.... Ser Jaime Lannister, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, with his golden hand (Demonworld).
Night's Watch Rangers with bows (Demonworld). Night's Watch Rangers with axes (Black Raven, except for the command figs). Lord Commander Jeor Mormont (Demonworld)... aka, the Old Bear. Night's Watch Rangers with swords (Swordsmen are Black Raven, Knight is Demonworld).
Six of the Kingsguard.
I'll be taking more pix soon.
Sincerely, Boaz