Friday, November 22, 2013

I came. I saw. I painted.

I am painting Elves, but I have a few other future ideas in mind. I envision a fantasy Roman army based upon the wolf myth and priests looking for portents. It would feature Republican infantry with lots velites in wolf skins. I can also see allied Gallic or Numidian cavalry... and Romano-British cav riding giant wolves. The Copplestone 28mm huskies might work out well for this purpose. The army would also have Roman priests, priestesses, and Sybil.

The other army I am contemplating is a Khalasar. It's is the name of a Dothraki horde in ASOIAF. HBO does a good job of representing the Dothraki. At most, their warriors wear leather jerkins while many of them ride bare chested into battle. One slight problem to painting a Khalasar is that no 15mm manufacturer makes appropriate figs. Asiatic horse archers, such as... Huns, Mongols, Alans, Parthians, Arabs, Khurasanians, Tuaregs, and Turks are produced by a plethora of companies. I've also seen Sioux, Dakota, Apache, and Comanche mounted archers. But all of these, except for the occasional Plains Indian, have shirts, helmets, and various pieces of armor. My best bet might be to find some break waist riders and replace the upper bodies with unarmored Gauls or Britons.

By the way, The Kid suggested I change the name of the blog to Paint Is Thicker Than Water. Mayhaps, I might use the title of this post as the new name... Veni. Vidi. Picti.

I must figure out how to do photos. This blog needs them.... immediately, if not sooner.

Sincerely, Boaz

Edit: So the button to publish this post does not seem to be working... I'll try it again...

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