Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Hey, Hey! We're the Monkees!

Well... It's been a while. You know how enthusiasm waxes and wanes. I kept waiting to figure out how to set the parameters of photos... but I failed. Perhaps I'll give the task to my niece. She's twelve and should not have any problems.

On a positive note, I have managed to get in five or six games of my friends home rules which are based off of the Piquet system. The latest of which was just last Saturday. All of us painted many new units for the battle... And of course they performed miserably. My newest troops represent a Kong/Lost Jungle army. They consist of six units of Zulu Spearmen (including a unit led by Belit and Conan), two units of Numidian Javelinmen, three units of Pygmy Skirmishers, a unit of Lions, an Ape unit with Tarzan, a unit of wolves featuring Mowgli, and finally three monstrous Gorillas... Kong, Son of Kong, and Joe.

Sincerely, Boaz

Edit: I wonder why the text blended into one big paragraph... How irritating!

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