Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Azeal joins in...

I am Daniel aka “Azeal”.  I have been gaming since 1983, when I first picked up D&D.  I purchased my first copy at a comic book store in downtown Sunnyvale, CA.   I soon moved on to playing Battletech in the comic book store.  This was my start of miniature gaming.   In 1987 I got the Warhammer 40k and Fantasy Battles games.  From that point on I became a chaos player.  To this day I am still a 40k Chaos player.

I took a few years off from gaming in collage, but came back to it after graduating.

In 2000, I picked up Warmaster and was an instant fan.  I think it is one of the best games ever written.  It was also the game that got me hooked on the smaller scales miniatures.

In 2001, I opened a game store in Denver, CO.  Part of my inspiration to open the store was my wonderful experiences in the comic book store.  I thought it was a great store, but because of life changes (kids), I sold it in 2006.  My passion for gaming has never been stronger though.

I have tried many game systems; CAV, Piquet, Flames or War, Warmaster, Warmaster Ancients, Warmachine, DBA, Epic, Battle Fleet Gothic,  Infinity, but have found that my favorite scale to play is 15mm miniatures.

I will leave it at that, there will be more to come.  I have pictures of our last game and will post them soon.

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