Tuesday, February 28, 2012

True Confessions

If nerdcrush is not a word in the gaming lexicon, then I'm officially creating it.

nerdcrush: noun: an infatuation by a gamer upon the quality of work by another gamer.

The object of my nerdcrush is Spacejacker. His blog, Tiny Solitary Soldiers, is dedicated towards 15mm tabletop gaming... mostly sci-fi. I just love his painting ability... especially since I've started photographing my own 15's.

As soon as I figure out how to figure out the parameters of the pics allowed on this blog and then how to crop my pics, I'll post them here. I really want to show them to my fellow posters over on the GRRM forum of The Chronicles Network. If you've read my entry, Pardon me, what was I saying?, then you already know of my existing nerdcrush upon George Martin.

[For Pete's sake! This guy is now linking his own stuff. What an ego!]


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