Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Blog, blog, blog, yada, yada, yada...

I like watching paint dry...on my miniatures. Yet, even more so, I like pushing them around... on the tabletop. I started, like many, with Warhammer Fantasy Battle (5th edition). There are some spectacular and inspiring models for that game, but I got out of WFB six years ago. I've dabbled with some other systems... GW's LOTR, Mordheim, Necromunda, Warmaster... Lobster bisque, yada, yada, yada, I never played them again. I've also dabbled a bit with DBA, Armies of Arcana, Wargods, and two others that escape me, at the moment... and I have quite a bit of experience with Piquet. I started out using 28mm, but I've come to love 15mm for tabletop battles. And now... I guess I'm looking for a better system...

The aspects I desire to find in a fantasy system are 1) to have fun, 2) to have sensible rules (I like my fantasy to be realistic...uh, huh), 3) to have easy to understand rules, 4) to have a game that flows while not getting bogged down in minutiae, 5) to have a system that strongly attempts to replicate command and control issues, 6) to have one rulebook with all the army lists (I detest hidden rules and different codices with secret rules that trump the basic game), 7) to have the ability to create my own themed armies from my imagination, 8) to be able to use whatever miniatures that I deem necessary or plausible, 9) to have a system that does not require me to build the ultimate weapon or character in order to compete, and most importantly... 10) to have a system that gives me real anxiety from decisions that I must make and not from constant dice rolling, secret rules, nonsensical magic or movement rules, or from ridiculously overpowered characters.

That worked out fairly well into ten game features that I'd like to find...

So... This blog is for me and some friends to record our search, our battles, and our painting. We'll be trying a new system on Friday night. We'll see how it goes.



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