Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hot Pockets... HotDAMN!!!

Well, I suppose I should continue with my thoughts on Tatcical Assault: Fantasy Cards since I don't have to work today.

Soooo, He-who-can-not-be-named and I have played one game, Azeal and I have played one game, and Azeal and He-who-can-not-be-named have played four games. They should really be the ones giving their opinions at this point.

First, FC keeps each player constantly involved. Some games have one side move everything, do all magic, shoot, and do all combat which leaves virtually nothing for the other player to do for fifteen minutes or more. (I think this is why Mountain Dew and Hot Pockets were invented... Jim Gaffigan? Anyone?) By incorporating situations on every card, FC allows the nonactive player to have the ability to play as much as, or even more than, the active player. If you zone out during the other player's turn, you'll miss opportunities to thwart the enemy, i.e. you'll lose.

Second, FC seems to allow me to play any minis on any scale that I desire. I don't have to observe all the basing and table configurations that every system demands. If the basing is relatively uniform, then you can play. I can play my 15mm Demonworld, 15mm Xyston, 28mm Reaper familiars, and 10mm Warmaster trolls on the same table. And the movement and ranged attack distances are bound to whatever the table size being used... that's brilliant.

Third, I'm hungry and sleepy... a bad combination. I'll resist the urge to get a hot pocket... and resist the urge to continue to blog while tired.

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