Sunday, February 5, 2012

Pilgrim's Progress

First, the pics are not coming out like I want. I need to figure out how to set the size parameters to fit into the blog. Hopefully, even a Luddite can figure out the workings of photo editing on a DIY blog. I'll have more time this week... I think.

Now to the real progress...

Azeal,the third friend (I wish for him to allow him to name himself)' and I have played three games of a new system. The game is called Tactical Assault: Fantasy Cards by Tactical Assault Games. I stumbled upon this system, on the Jan. 14th post, over at Tiny Solitary Soldiers. The blogger (and phenomenal painter of 15mm minis), Spacejacker, mentioned TAG's modern and near future system, Tactical Assault: Combat Cards.

The first thing that must be said about Fantasy Cards is that is fun.

The second thing that must be said is that the name is not exactly inspiring. For sure, the words "Tactical Assault" are great for contemporary or future combat, but I'd like to think of combat between Orcs, Undead, Barbarians, Wolves, and Dwarves as something less precise than "tactical". "Mayhem and Muck" would be more along the lines of what I think of regarding fantasy combat.

You know what? I need to leave to go watch the Super Bowl.... Oops, can I say that? Am I allowed to use such a copyrighted (is that a word?) name or will the No Fun League prosecute me to the fullest extent of the law? Anyway... Go Broncos! Go Tebow!

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